Tobacco Will Cause You To Lose Teeth | Roselle IL Dentist

It is well known that smoking and chewing tobacco can cause severe health problems, especially for the lungs. There is also the imperative point to note that the mouth and teeth can also be equally at risk. Hence, it is best not to use tobacco at all. The following is what tobacco can do to your mouth.

Chewing Tobacco

The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) reports that tobacco chewers are 50 times more likely to develop gum and cheek cancer. In addition to causing gums to recede, tobacco also causes exposed roots to be sensitive. This is an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and cause decay as a result. To prevent this from happening, it is advised that chewing tobacco be avoided. Thankfully, our experienced team of oral health professionals can offer you tips on how to break this habit as well as tips on how to improve your oral health.


According to the American Dental Association, smoking one pack of cigarettes a day has the potential to cause two teeth to be lost per decade of life. The likelihood of losing teeth increases when you smoke. So, you should avoid smoking cigarettes and cigars. In addition to causing staining, smoking can also lead to bad breath and a less-than-attractive smile.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can affect many different areas of the mouth, including your tongue, lips, the floor of your mouth, and your gums. There is a high risk of oral cancer developing in men and in people over the age of 50. According to the American Dental Association, in the United States, the prevalence of oral cancer is on the rise, especially among people under the age of 30. If you smoke, it is important to ask your dentist about an oral cancer screening, as well as to arrange to have a full oral health examination. During an oral cancer screening, your dentist will examine your mouth, teeth, and cheeks for signs of abnormalities that could indicate oral cancer. If caught at an early stage, oral cancer can be successfully treated.

If you currently use tobacco, it is highly recommended that you cease using it. Our dentist in Roselle and your physician can provide you with assistance in quitting smoking. Having regular oral exams is a good idea for everyone, but those who use tobacco should be particularly vigilant about this. We invite you to schedule an appointment to visit our office so that we may identify any potential problems. 

For additional tips on keeping your mouth healthy or to schedule your next appointment, please contact Westlake Dental Care of Roselle.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Can You Overbrush? | Roselle IL Dentist

The chances are that you brush your teeth twice a day if you are conscientious about your oral hygiene. You may even brush after meals since you know that regular tooth brushing is a good habit that removes plaque and prevents tooth decay. Maybe you’re wondering, “Can you brush your teeth too much?” As it turns out, when it comes to brushing your teeth, there can be too much of a good thing.

Overbrushing your teeth refers to both “how much” and “how” you brush. If you brush too vigorously or compulsively, you put your mouth at risk for dental abrasion, dental sensitivity, and gum recession.


According to the University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, dental abrasion is the loss of tooth structure caused by mechanical forces from a foreign object. The enthusiastic use of your toothbrush wears away the tooth enamel and eventually the softer dentin and cementum structures. Abrasion is characterized by worn, shiny, and often yellow or brown spots on the surface of a tooth near the gum line. A wedge-shaped or V-shaped indentation on the gum line is another sign of abrasion.

Tooth Sensitivity

If the tooth enamel is worn away by toothbrush abrasion, the dentin layer’s nerve endings become exposed or close enough to the surface to cause tooth sensitivity. You may experience discomfort or pain when your teeth are exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli or when you brush your teeth.

Gum Recession

Continually overbrushing and brushing improperly may also cause your gums to recede. The softer cementum of the root is exposed and vulnerable when this occurs. The exposed cementum is not only prone to wear and notching, causing sensitivity and pain, but it is also more likely to decay.

How to protect your teeth after overbrushing

Dental abrasion and gum recession can lead to cavities and even tooth loss if not treated. Depending on the degree of toothbrush abrasion and tooth sensitivity, your dentist may recommend treatments to cover the exposed dentin and protect the tooth. Some common treatments include applying a fluoride varnish to strengthen the teeth’s surface, bonding a tooth-colored filling over the abraded area, or covering the exposed area with a veneer. Overbrushing may cause your gums to recede so far that they may never return to their original size. In some cases, gum grafting might be needed to replace missing gum tissue and protect exposed cementum.

Using the Proper Brushing Technique and Tools

Fortunately, preventing overbrushing is as simple as using the correct technique and tools. Start by following these steps:

  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You may think that stiff bristles will do a better job of cleaning your teeth. However, they increase the risk of dental abrasion and gum recession.
  • Be sure to check your toothpaste. Toothpaste with high abrasive agents may also speed up the process of tooth loss. Choose a toothpaste that contains calcium and fluoride to strengthen your tooth enamel.
  • Make sure you are using the right technique. Are you brushing too hard? Look at your toothbrush. Using too much pressure might cause your bristles to flatten and fray within a few weeks. Place your toothbrush gently at an angle towards your gum line and brush in a soft circular motion.
  • Do not brush immediately after eating. You should wait at least 60 minutes after eating or drinking to brush your teeth, especially after consuming something acidic like lemons or soda. While you wait, drink water or chew sugarless gum to freshen your breath.
  • Take a look at your other habits. Overbrushing isn’t the only source of abrasion. As an example, suppose you routinely open bottles with your teeth, handle nails or pins with your mouth, or bite your fingernails. In that case, those activities might also cause dental abrasion or even a broken tooth. Enamel can also be worn away by lip or tongue piercings.

When it comes to a perfect smile, overbrushing won’t help. You will achieve clean teeth and a healthy mouth when you use the appropriate tools and implement a gentle but thorough brushing technique. Contact Westlake Dental Care today to schedule an appointment with or Roselle dentist today.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

The Neurological Impact of Dental Health | Roselle IL Dentist

Throughout childhood, children are taught the importance of good oral hygiene, which includes brushing twice a day. Is this enough? Does it affect more than just your oral health? There have been many studies on this subject, but finding the truth can be challenging. Several studies have been criticized, and experts will need to wait a bit longer before truly determining whether poor oral health negatively impacts brain function. Based on the earlier findings, it appears that there is indeed a link between poor oral health and poor brain function.

What else is affected by poor oral health?

Quite a few things can be impacted by this. Brain function is not the only one. Poor oral health can negatively impact the heart. Men are especially at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Hundreds of bacteria from the gums can make their way to the heart and this can lead to the hardening of your arteries. You may experience thickening of the blood, which could lead to a blockage resulting in a heart attack or stroke. Because you breathe in air that has been contaminated by bacteria in your mouth, your lungs are also at risk. Generally, poor oral hygiene can result in inflamed and infected gums and teeth.

How does it affect brain function?

Aside from all the detrimental factors listed above, there has been research suggesting that poor oral health contributes to dementia. Essentially, if you have gingivitis, the bacteria may enter the brain through the various nerve pathways. In addition, bacteria can enter the brain through the bloodstream. According to some experts, this can cause dementia. Some believe it may even be the sole cause of the terrible disease.

Researchers at Rutgers University, New Jersey, conducted a recent study in which they examined whether poor oral health could contribute to brain dysfunction. The study primarily explored certain cognitive aspects and found that they have an impact on memory and general function, something that may surprise the average patient. According to the study, there is a significant relationship between oral health and memory. It is also noteworthy that oral health has the potential to influence complex attention and learning. 

Additionally, there was a relationship between oral health and stress, or at least perceived stress. High levels of stress are associated with dry mouth. Good oral hygiene is even more important for the elderly. The downside of this is that it may lead to impaired cognitive function, episodic memory loss, or in the worst-case scenario, complete dementia.

How Can You Stop It?

Your first step should be to assess your own oral health methods. As a result, you could begin to develop better hygiene practices that could help safeguard you against any of the above issues. If you are unsure of where to begin, speak to your dentist. Make sure you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day, morning and night. Use a good toothpaste, preferably one containing fluoride. Make sure you are flossing every day to keep your gums healthy and prevent decay from developing between your teeth. Mouthwashes are effective in killing bacteria and, when used properly, can be advantageous as part of your oral health routine. Most importantly, be sure you see your Roselle IL dentist at least two times a year to have your teeth cleaned and examined. 

Our Roselle dentist is here to take care of all of your dental health needs. Contact Westlake Dental Care today to schedule an appointment

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Is Exercising Bad for Your Teeth? | Cosmetic Dentist in Roselle IL, 60172

It is well known that exercise is essential for good health. Can it harm your teeth in the long run? A number of studies have linked fitness and exercise habits with increased risks of tooth decay and erosion. Some of the ways in which exercise can influence our dental health are as follows:

Dry Mouth 

Exercise that involves heavy mouth breathing can reduce saliva production and cause your mouth to be dry. Saliva contains minerals and enzymes that protect against decay-causing bacteria. During exercise, try to breathe through your nose as much as possible, and drink plenty of water before, during, and after you exercise to prevent your mouth from drying out, which can lead to tooth decay. Brushing your teeth before exercising will help you reduce the presence of bacteria and plaque on your teeth.

Clenching your teeth

If an athlete puts a lot of effort into lifting weights, they can clench their jaws. Studies have shown that clenching your jaw can result in wear on your teeth and possible tooth fractures. In order to protect your teeth from clenching, you may want to wear a mouthguard. Generally, mouthguards can be purchased from most drugstores or sporting goods stores, or you can have a customized mouthguard made by your dentist. We encourage everyone who participates in sporting activities to wear a mouthguard to protect their teeth.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks contain a lot of sugar and have been shown to be 30 times more erosive to your teeth than water, so they can potentially do a great deal of damage. These drinks contain citric acid, which can soften the enamel of the teeth to the point that even brushing the teeth after consumption can be dangerous. Therefore, you should drink water instead of sports drinks to prevent these negative effects. It is also advisable not to sip on sports drinks over an extended period of time, as this creates a continual sugar bath for your teeth. If you do consume a sugary drink, it is best to drink it in a small window of time, then rinse your mouth with water afterward.

When we consume foods or drinks containing any form of sugar or carbohydrates, our mouth develops an acid that attacks the enamel of our teeth for 30 minutes. Our teeth can recover from three of these attacks a day, which includes our meals. It is best to consume sugar and carbohydrates at one time rather than continuously throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water after sugar or carbohydrate consumption can help reduce the acidity levels in our mouths. 

It is important to see your dentist twice a year to maintain good oral health. Please contact our dental office to schedule an appointment.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Sealants for Adults? Dental care in Roselle IL 60172

Sealants are often thought of as a treatment for children, but adults can also benefit from them. Sealants are used to protect our teeth by sealing the deep grooves and crevices in the chewing surfaces. According to a study performed by the American Dental Association, using sealants for adults can help prevent cavities from developing on healthy teeth.

What is a sealant?

A dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating that is painted on the chewing surfaces of teeth. Although they do not replace daily brushing and flossing, dental sealants can prevent cavities from forming.

Despite being able to achieve good oral health at home, there are areas of the mouth that are hard to reach, making it more challenging to maintain good oral hygiene. You have grooves on your molars known as “pits” and “fissures.” Because these grooves are so deep, your toothbrush will not be able to clean them out. As a result, they trap food and bacteria, making them more susceptible to decay.

A consultation with your dentist will be able to determine whether or not dental sealants are a viable option for preventing tooth decay. Often, patients are surprised by how quickly and easily sealants can be applied, as shown below.

  • The teeth are thoroughly cleaned.
  • In the next step, the teeth are dried and etched with a solution that prepares the tooth surface for sealing.
  • We then apply the liquid sealant material, which flows directly into your teeth’s grooves.
  • A type of ultraviolet light called a curing light is placed on the tooth to harden the sealant material, which seals off the grooves and creates a smoother chewing surface that is easier to clean.

It is not necessary to do anything special to maintain a sealant, and you can brush and floss as usual. However, there are some precautions to keep in mind. Make sure you use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste containing remineralizing agents like hydroxyapatite. Consumption of foods such as berries, coffee, tea, or red wine can also stain sealants. To reduce the likelihood of staining, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth after eating these foods. Finally, eating sticky, chewy, or hard foods may cause the sealant to wear down. Our dental office will check your sealants at each appointment for any signs of wear. 

With proper at-home care and regular professional cleaning, sealants can last up to ten years. Please contact our dental office if you have questions, and we would be happy to schedule an appointment.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Your Child’s Routine Dental Appointment | Family Dentist Roselle IL

The American Dental Association recommends that all patients schedule routine six-month check-up exams. This is particularly important for growing children. Their mouth is constantly changing, and they are often more prone to tooth decay. It is vital to establish the correct oral health habits when they are young so that it becomes a lifetime routine. 

At your child’s visit, we will screen their mouth for tooth decay and gum disease. We will also clean their teeth. Regular professional dental cleanings are essential for a healthy mouth. During your child’s dental cleaning, we will gently remove any buildup of plaque or tartar to help prevent tooth decay.

During this visit, our team will spend time discussing proper brushing technique and oral

hygiene with your child. Depending on your child’s age, we may also teach them about the correct use of floss and mouthwash. Our team members are friendly, patient, and great with kids, and will answer all questions that you or your child may have. 

We may recommend that fluoride be applied to the teeth as part of your child’s treatment. Topical fluoride is used to strengthen enamel and make teeth more resistant to tooth decay. The process is easy, safe, and effective. 

We also may recommend the placement of sealants for your child. Sealants are highly effective in preventing tooth decay and cavities on your child’s molars and premolars. These areas are the most susceptible to cavities due to the anatomized grooves.

Typically, children get sealants on their permanent molars and premolars as soon as these teeth come in. These sealants can protect the teeth through the cavity-prone years of ages 6 to 14. However, adults without decay or fillings in their molars can also benefit from sealants.

The process of applying sealants is easy and fast. The application steps are as follows:

●Your child’s teeth are thoroughly cleaned

●The teeth are dried

●A liquid solution is put on the chewing surfaces of the teeth

●The solution is cured using a special curing light

Sealants act as a barrier and protect the enamel from plaque and acids. They may last for several years before a reapplication is needed. As long as the sealant remains intact, the tooth surface will be protected from decay. Sealants are not a substitute for brushing your teeth. It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene and keep up with professional dental cleanings. Also, sealants do not protect between teeth, so it is essential to continue to floss daily.

Our expert dentist and knowledgeable team have the experience and qualifications to care for your child’s teeth, gums and mouth throughout various stages of childhood. For more information or to request an appointment, contact our office today.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Creating a More Youthful Smile | Dentist Roselle IL

Your smile is one of the first things a person will notice when they meet you. You can create a more youthful smile with one simple procedure. Whitening your teeth can make you look younger, especially if your teeth are currently stained, dull or discolored. Our dental office provides whitening services for new and existing patients. 

Regardless of how well you care for your teeth, over time, discoloration will occur. The main causes of stained teeth are genetics, antibiotics, tobacco and certain foods. As

we age, our teeth darken as well. While preventing tooth discoloration is nearly impossible, our experienced team can help reverse the effects of discoloration by helping to create a whiter and brighter smile.

Whether it’s an in-office treatment or at-home treatment, the principles of teeth whitening are the same. A special whitening agent is applied to the teeth in order to

bleach stains and brighten your smile. Our dentist will discuss your whitening needs and goals with you to determine which option is best for you.

In-office teeth whitening is the quickest method to a brighter, whiter smile. With the supervision of an experienced dental professional, a stronger bleaching solution can be used than with at-home kits. Optimal results are achieved much faster with the professional whitening treatment, and in many ways the results are better given the nature of the bleaching agents that are used. Patients find that they appear younger just by restoring their bright, white smile. 

During a professional teeth whitening treatment, we will first clean the teeth. We will then apply a whitening agent to your teeth, carefully avoiding your gums and soft tissue. Once applied, a laser light will be directed at the teeth to expedite the process. For maximum results, the process may be repeated more than once.

If a visit to our office for professional whitening isn’t an option for you, at-home treatment may provide the whitening you need. You will find a vast variety of at-home teeth whitening products on the market, including whitening toothpastes, over-the-counter gels, rinses, strips, trays and more. We can fit you with custom-made whitening trays that will more accurately conform to your teeth for a more even whitening result. At-home teeth whitening results are less dramatic compared to those achieved in the office. 

If you are looking to brighten your smile and create a more youthful appearance for your teeth, contact our office for more information or to schedule a consultation today.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Making Oral Hygiene Fun for Your Child | Best Dentist Roselle IL

As a parent, the best way to help ensure your child has a lifetime of healthy teeth is to help them establish great dental hygiene habits as they grow. It can be difficult to get young children to cooperate with brushing and flossing. Making the routine as exciting as possible will make your life easier. Here are some useful tips for keeping your child engaged by making dental hygiene fun:

  • Pick out a special toothbrush

One great way to keep your child excited about brushing is to allow him or her to choose their own toothbrush in a favorite color or branded with a favorite cartoon character. Child-size soft-bristled brushes come in a wide variety of options designed to make your child like their toothbrush. Electric or battery-operated toothbrushes are an even better option to remove plaque and add some excitement to brushing. 

  • Choose children’s toothpaste

Another great option is to use a toothpaste that is designed for kids. While adults generally prefer the fresh taste of a minty toothpaste, many children find mint to be too powerful a flavor. This can make brushing unpleasant or even painful to sensitive taste buds. Instead, let your child choose a children’s toothpaste. There are many options available in a variety of soft mint, fruity, and bubble gum flavors. It is much easier to keep your child brushing for a full two minutes when their toothpaste tastes good. Just be sure that they don’t swallow too much. 

  • Use a timer

Two minutes can seem like a long time to a child. It can be very difficult for your child to try to estimate or count how long to brush without some kind of visual aid. You can help your child stay more engaged and ensure a full two minutes of brushing by using a timer. Choices range from a small sand timer your child can flip over, to a manual stopwatch with buttons to press, or even an app on a phone or tablet to time digitally. There are a lot of fun apps that will even make a game out of brushing. By letting your child take control of the timer, they can be more confident and more engaged in their brushing.

  • Brush (and floss) together

A parent is the first and strongest role model for their child. Brushing together can help your child model your great brushing technique, which will improve their own. Additionally, brushing and flossing together emphasizes to your child that oral hygiene is important. When your child sees that you take dental hygiene seriously, they are likely to follow suit.

For more tips on making dentistry fun for your child, contact our office.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

The Importance of Screening for Oral Cancer | Dentist Roselle IL

Like with every form of cancer, early diagnosis can have a profound impact on the success of your treatment. Regular screenings are your first line of defense against oral cancer and our dentist is thoroughly trained in screening for oral cancer.

During your screening, we will check your lips, tongue, gums, mouth, and throat for any abnormalities that could be or become cancerous. We will give careful consideration to any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you have experienced any oral cancer symptoms for more than two weeks without improvement, schedule an appointment and tell your dentist immediately. Symptoms that could indicate oral cancer include:

●Ear pain

●Mouth sores that don’t heal

●White or red patches in your mouth

●Dramatic weight loss

●Lumps or swelling in or around your mouth

●Sore throat without other sinus symptoms

●Sensation of something caught in the back of your throat

●Pain or difficulty in swallowing, speaking, or moving your jaw or tongue

One adult American dies of oral cancer every hour. Though anyone can develop oral cancer, some factors can increase your risks. Some of the most common risk factors include: genetic predisposition, prolonged sun exposure, unhealthy diet, smoking, chewing tobacco, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Oral cancer is more common in men than women. 

Whatever the cause, the success of treatment depends on the size, type, and stage of the cancer. Early detection can play a critical role in your successful recovery. When found in early stages,oral cancers have an 80–90% survival rate. Oral cancers that are found in early or precancerous stages can often be removed and require less invasive procedures to treat. Later stages of cancer are likely to be larger and more complex and often have spread far beyond your mouth.

If you would like more information about oral cancer and oral cancer screening, contact our office for a consultation or to schedule a comprehensive dental exam.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Disease | Roselle IL Dentist

dentist in roselle il

Almost half of the population in the United States has been diagnosed with moderate to severe periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can range from gingivitis (mild inflammation) to  periodontitis, a major oral disease that can result in soft tissue damage, bone destruction, and even tooth loss. Our experienced dentist in 60172 is trained to treat all stages of periodontal disease in both new and existing patients. 

A main cause of gum disease is the lack of practicing proper oral hygiene habits.  Habits such as daily brushing and flossing, along with regular professional exams and cleanings, are the key to maintaining optimal oral health. When these practices are not followed on a regular basis, plaque forms on the teeth and underneath the gum tissue. If this plaque is not removed, within time it may harden become tartar. Only a dental professional can remove tartar from teeth during a dental cleaning. 

If gum disease is not treated during the early stages, tartar and bacteria may continue to multiply causing the disease to advance. Gums redden, swell, and become painful and prone to bleeding. When the disease reaches this point, professional periodontal treatment is needed to prevent further advancement. 

Periodontitis is generally considered the most advanced form of periodontal disease. With periodontitis, gums begin to recede away from the teeth, creating “pockets” in between the tooth, root, and gum tissue. These spaces are very difficult to clean and require professional attention. Without prompt and thorough treatment, bone, gums, and soft tissues may be destroyed by the disease. In fact, one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults is periodontal disease.

Some of the most common risk factors for periodontal disease include poor oral hygiene, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, smoking, genetics, and female hormonal changes. Some medications can even cause gum tissue overgrowth, which can increase difficulty in proper oral hygiene

Our dentist  has the training and experience to diagnose and treat every stage of periodontal disease. If you are experiencing bad breath, bleeding or painful gums, sensitive teeth, or teeth that are becoming loose, contact our Roselle, IL dental office to schedule a periodontal evaluation. We provide excellent, comprehensive periodontal care for both new and existing patients.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172