Dentist Roselle
edentulous – term meaning “without teeth”
enamel – hard tissue exterior of a tooth, covers the dentin
endodontics – dental field concerned with care and treatment of tooth pulp and associated areas
endodontist – dental specialist focused on treating disease and injuries of the tooth pulp and associated areas
epidemiology – scientific study of disease incidence and prevalence in a population
equilibration – reshaping bite surfaces of teeth to correct imbalance, also known as occlusal adjustment
eruption – protrusion of teeth through gums
evulsion/avulsion – removal of tooth from socket due to trauma
excision – removal of tissue or bone through surgical means
exodontia – dental extraction
exostosis – bone overgrowth
extraoral – refers to the area outside the oral cavity
extracoronal – refers to the area outside the crown of a tooth
extraction – removal of a tooth
exudate – material containing fluid, cells, and/or debris caused by necrosis or inflammation
eyeteeth – common term for cuspid or “canine” teeth