Roselle IL Dentist | Symptoms and Preventions of Periodontal Disease

Dentist Roselle

Dentist in RosellePeriodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and is one of the most common health conditions in our population. It is caused by plaque and bacteria buildup that forms around the gum line, and creates pockets between teeth and gums. This disease can progress and contribute to deteriorating oral health and overall health, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and pregnancy complications.

Although periodontal disease may progress without pain, it is important to take note of symptoms to prevent further overall health problems.

• Gums that bleed during and after brushing teeth
• Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth
• Receding gums
• Formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums
• Red, swollen or tender gums
• Loose or shifting teeth
• Sores in your mouth
• Painful or sensitive teeth

Health and lifestyle changes can help to reduce the risk, severity and speed of gum disease development, including:

Proper Dental Care – Maintaining good oral health consists of professional cleanings by your dentist at least twice a year, as well as proper brushing and flossing. Brushing eliminates plaque from the surfaces of teeth and flossing removes food particles between teeth and under the gum line.

Maintain a Well-Balanced Diet – Proper nutrition can help strengthen your immune system and fight off infection. Eating foods that are high in vitamin E and vitamin C can help your body repair damaged tissue.

Reduce Stress – Stress makes it difficult for your body to fight off infections since it weakens the immune system.

Avoid Clenching and Grinding Your Teeth – Excessive force on your teeth and tissues may increase the rate at which these tissues are destroyed. This pressure may speed up the breakdown of the periodontal ligament and bone.

Stop Smoking – The chemicals in tobacco products is a significant risk factor for the increase of gum disease. People who smoke tend to collect more tartar on their teeth and often develop deeper periodontal pockets once they have gum disease.

If you experience any symptoms of periodontal disease or for more information on prevention, please contact our Roselle dental office.


West Lake Dental Care

1260 W Lake St
Roselle, IL 60172

Phone: (630) 980-6762
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Preparing for Back-to-School with Your Roselle Dentist

Roselle, IL Dentist

dentist in roselle, dentist in roselle il, roselle dentist, roselle il dentistStart your child’s school year off with a bright smile. See your Roselle dentist to place your child’s oral health on track to success this school year!

Back-to-school season is the best time to integrate good oral health habits into your child’s daily routine. Monitor your child’s daily oral hygiene habits to ensure the best care to your child’s smile. Healthy daily habits include brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush and flossing before and after school. Avoid any mint flavors for children, as they are too strong for a sensitive palate. Daily dental hygiene habits are easily created when your child enjoys the flavor of their toothpaste and floss. Your dentist in Roselle IL, will suggest oral care products for your child.

Healthy eating habits will encourage a healthy smile. When packing your child’s lunch, consider healthy options. Avoid acidic juices that cause tooth enamel erosion. Instead, select drinks that are low in sugar, such as milk and water. Milk is an excellent calcium source to develop strong healthy teeth. Excessive sugar in food and beverages may cause cavities.

Your Roselle dentist recommends a six-month check up to support optimal dental health throughout the school year. Your dentist may also recommend an orthodontic assessment for your child’s developing smile. If your child is registered to play contact sports this year, you may want to ask your dentist about a protective mouth guard. A well-fitted mouth guard can lower injury risks to your child’s smile. Early orthodontic care can guide the development of the jaw and permanent teeth.

Remember, good dental hygiene is the key to complete wellness. Practice good dental habits to succeed your child’s oral health this school year! Contact the Roselle IL dentist to schedule your child’s next appointment.


West Lake Dental Care

1260 W Lake St
Roselle, IL 60172

Phone: (630) 980-6762
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Dental tips from Dr. Visco for Keeping a Fresh Smile while ‘On the Go’

Roselle Dentist

Tips for Keeping a Fresh Smile while ‘On the Go’


Brushing in the morning and evening for most people is a daily habit, but how about brushing during the day, or after lunch? For many people, brushing during the day can almost seem impossible and inconvenient at times.  Being consumed by work, school or even travel can prevent us from keeping a fresh and healthy smile. However, there are quick and easy solutions that your Dentist in Roselle recommends to help keep your smile fresh while on-the-go.

Carry a Travel-Sized Toothbrush

Try practicing carrying around a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste that you can quickly use for an after lunch cleaning. Brushing your teeth after a meal is a great way to help maintain optimum oral health. Not only will brushing your teeth keep your mouth healthy from bacteria and decay but it can also help save you from embarrassing bad breath or help to eliminate the fear that something is stuck between your teeth.

Tongue Scrapers

As you brush, be sure to make time to brush your tongue as well. In between your taste buds, lie residue build-up which may be contributing to foul breath.  At a drugstore, you can purchase a tongue scraper, or you can use your toothbrush to gently brush your tongue. Your Dentist in Roselle IL will agree that your oral health can be improved with proper tongue care.

Quick Rinse with Mouth Wash

Don’t have time to brush your teeth? Try mouthwash. Mouthwash is a simple, fast and convenient way to freshen your breath during the day. All that it requires is a simple swish. This simple ‘swish’ will not only freshen your breath, but it will also help prevent the build-up of plaque and cavities as it loosens particles in the mouth.  There are many different products of mouthwash available, so be sure to ask your Roselle Dentist or hygienist about which mouthwash they recommend for you.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is a great temporary alternative when you need a fresh smile while on the go. If you do not have the time to brush your teeth or use mouthwash after a meal, chewing a piece of sugar-free gum for at least 20 minutes can help ward off bad breath. Also, chewing gum can help stimulate the production of saliva which will help wash away any lingering particles left on your teeth.

Although these simple tips will not be as invigorating or as thorough as your at home routine, they will surely help to temporarily improve oral hygiene quickly and conveniently. If you have any questions about how you can improve your oral health, contact Roselle IL Dentist.

 Diana Visco

dentist roselle il

Blog maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company.


West Lake Dental Care

1260 W Lake St
Roselle, IL 60172

Phone: (630) 980-6762
URL of Map

Dentist Roselle – Whiten That Smile!

Dentist in Roselle

Dentist Roselle – Whiten That Smile!

Concerning our grins, a significant number of us might love to have a brighter, whiter grin. Fortunately, this is something that might be finished with the assistance of the Roselle Dentist.

You have several alternatives when looking to whiten your grin. Initially, you can utilize teeth whitening trays. With this method, it can take between a few days to a few weeks to accomplish the craving impact, contingent upon the needs of your grin. In the event that you pick this alternative, you will get trays that are modified to fit your teeth to maintain a strategic distance from any disturbance to your gums.

An alternate alternative might be an in-office whitening medication. Your Dentist Roselle IL would apply a dying operator to your teeth, and an exceptional laser light is coordinated at the covered teeth to assist the procedure. This is accomplished in a solitary session at the dental practitioner, so you will see the comes about significantly all the more rapidly.

Both of these alternatives are extremely viable in whitening your teeth. On the off chance that you want to light up your grin in the solace of your home, then whitening trays could be all the more engaging you. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you are searching for speedier results, you may need to decide to stop into see your Roselle IL Dentist and have the method done at the workplace. In the event that you decide to experience an in-office technique, it is critical to take after the after-consideration directions that you will get. This incorporates refusing consuming or drinking anything need water for 60 minutes after the medicine. Additionally, you ought to evade any tooth-staining sustenances for 24-48 hours.

On the off chance that you are recognizing teeth whitening, you ought to counsel your Dentist in Roselle IL to investigate your alternatives. Your dental practitioner can assess your grin and guarantee that your teeth and gums are solid enough to experience the dying procedure. Regardless of what you choose, you can assume your own particular to forestall future staining. This incorporates reliably emulating your brushing and flossing standard, utilizing a straw to minimize contact between your teeth and the beverages you expend, and flushing after you consume.

Diana Visco

roselle dentist

Blog is maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company

Dentist Roselle – Genetics And Your Oral Health

Dentist Roselle, IL

Dentist Roselle – Genetics And Your Oral Health

While oral health is largely based on your oral health habits, your genetics can also play a role. Each person’s mouth is different, and genetics determine the physical makeup of your mouth, including tooth and jaw shape, the strength of your teeth, and other components of your smile.


The structure or appearance of your mouth can play a role in your oral health. For example, if you have large teeth with a relatively smaller jaw, you might be more susceptible to crowding. Conversely, if you have small teeth with a relatively larger jaw, you could experience diastema, or a gap in your teeth. If you experience crowding or diastema, you should schedule an appointment with your Roselle Dentist to explore your options.

Strength of Your Teeth

In addition, the strength of your teeth can impact your risk for developing cavities. If your teeth are inherently weaker than most, your Dentist in Roselle might recommend that you consume more dairy products and pay stricter attention to your oral health habits than others. While genetics play a role in your oral health, your habits and behaviors also make a great impact.

Nutritional Preferences

Your preferences for certain foods and beverages are oftentimes inherited, which can also indirectly affect your oral health. It is important to be aware of foods and drinks that are harmful to your teeth so that you can keep your smile healthy. For example, if you are predisposed to favor sugary drinks over unsweetened tea, this can increase your chances of developing cavities if you do not resist the urge to consistently consume that type of beverage. Your Dentist Roselle IL recommends sticking to water, dairy products and unsweetened tea to improve your oral health.

Whether your genetics impact your smile in a positive or negative way, you can keep your smile healthy and beautiful by practicing good oral hygiene. You should floss daily, brush twice a day, and visit your Dentist in Roselle regularly. Although genetics affect the appearance of your smile, the state of your oral health is in your control. You can prevent oral issues such as tooth decay and periodontal disease by keeping up with your oral hygiene and staying educated about oral health and advancements in dentistry. By using your knowledge of oral health to your advantage, you can keep your mouth healthy for your entire life.

Diana Visco


Blog Maintained By Identity Dental Marketing Company.

Dentist Roselle – College Students Need Dentists, Too

Dentist in Roselle

College Students Need Dentists, Too


The other day, a patient of mine came in for a regular check up — for the first time in two years. She is a college student who spends most of the year away at school. With everything going on at school, it can be easy to forget about scheduling visits to see the Dentist Roselle. We see this a lot with patients; they maintain regular check-ups from childhood all the way through high school, and then they go away to school and disappear for a few years. When they come back, though, they have to make up for lost time, and they face more complications than the patients who have been regularly visiting their Roselle Dentist.


When my patient stopped in for an appointment, she was showing the beginnings of gum disease. There was a lot of build-up on her teeth, and her gums were beginning to recede. Had more time passed, the periodontal disease could have advanced to a more severe stage. Although it was clear that she was trying to keep up with her oral health through regular brushing and flossing, the Dentist Roselle IL has the tools to target and clean the spots that are easily missed.


It is important to be proactive about making appointments to prevent gum disease and other complications such as tooth decay and cavities. You should schedule appointments at time when you know you will be home for breaks. If you stop in to see your Dentist in Roselle IL over winter break and then over summer break, you will be able to maintain good oral health. If this timing does not work, you could also schedule appointments during a fall break and spring break. No matter what you decide, it is much more convenient to stop in twice a year for a cleaning than it would be to need to come home for restorative treatment during midterms.


To schedule your next appointment with your Roselle IL Dentist, give our office a call.




Diana Visco 




Blog Maintained By Identity Dental Marketing Company.

Dentist Roselle – Is Your Jaw Sore?

Dentist Roselle

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) are issues you experience with your jaw, as well as the joint and facial muscles surrounding your jaw. This can cause stress and discomfort in your daily life. Symptoms of TMD include tension and tenderness in your face or jaw, difficulty with opening your mouth wide, locking or clicking or your jaw, difficulty in chewing, a tired feeling in your face, and swelling on the side of your face.

Your dentist Roselle can examine your jaw in order to diagnose TMD. Your dentist will check for locking of the jaw while opening and closing your mouth. Additionally, your bite and facial muscle function will be examined, and your dentist will evaluate your jaw pain and tenderness. In some cases, x-rays will be taken to check your jaw, jaw joint, and teeth for irregularities.

It can be difficult to diagnose TMD and TMJ because the symptoms of these are similar to symptoms of other health issues such as toothache, arthritis, and sinus problems. However, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist in Roselle if you experience any of the symptoms of TMD and TMJ.

There are precautions your Roselle dentist recommends to avoid TMD and TMJ problems from arising. First, you can avoid hard foods and excessively chewing gum. Although gum can have many oral health benefits such as preventing cavities and tooth decay, it can tire your jaw and cause some soreness if you are not accustomed to regularly chewing gum.

Another way to prevent TMD problems is to develop and practice relaxation techniques to reduce tension in your face and jaw. Clenching, especially in your sleep, can cause tension in your jaw, so you can reduce soreness by learning to relax your jaw. For example, by placing the tip of your tongue at the roof of your mouth, your jaw will automatically relax, reducing some of the tension. If you struggle with clenching your jaw while you sleep, you may want to consider getting fitted for a mouthguard from your Roselle IL dentist.

If you are feeling soreness or tenderness in your jaw, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist in Roselle IL in order to receive a proper diagnosis and to explore your options. Your dentist can help you to maintain a beautiful, healthy mouth that is free of discomfort.

 dentist in roselle

Diana Visco

Blog Maintained By Identity Dental Marketing Company.

Dentist in Roselle – Pick Up A Pack (Of Chewing Gum)

Dentist in Roselle, IL

If you are in the habit of chewing sugarless gum on a regular basis, you’ll be happy to know that this can have a positive effect on your oral health. It is a simple way to give your oral health a little boost. If you don’t typically chew gum, your dentist Roselle recommends picking up a pack.

Chewing gum increases the flow of saliva in your mouth. Your saliva washes away acids, sugars, and food debris in your mouth, preventing tooth decay and cavities. The flow of saliva can help to strengthen your tooth enamel, helping you to maintain strong, beautiful teeth. Your dentist in Roselle recommends chewing gum right after you eat for about 20 minutes to best fight off cavities caused by food consumption.

Chewing gum has aesthetic benefits, as well. It can ward off bad breath and brighten your smile. By washing away the food debris that may have remained in your mouth from your last meal, chewing gum rids your mouth of any lingering odors. Additionally, it prevents the acids and debris in your mouth from staining your teeth, leading to a healthier, whiter smile.

Not only does chewing gum protect your teeth, but it can also help your gums. Chewing gum reduces plaque build-up, which is a way to prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease. Although this is not a cure to gum disease, chewing gum is a helpful way to supplement your oral hygiene in between visits to your Roselle dentist.

In order to maximize the benefits of chewing gum, your dentist Roselle IL recommends that you look for sugar-free gum, specifically gum that has been sweetened with xylitol. Xylitol prevents harmful bacteria from lingering in your mouth, reducing your risk for cavities. Additionally, xylitol can help to repair damage to enamel, strengthening your smile.

While there are many benefits to chewing gum, there are also complications that can arise if you chew excessively. Frequent gum chewing can lead to inflammation and soreness in your jaw, causing TMD and TMJ. Also, you are putting stress on your facial muscles when you chew, which may cause headaches.

Although chewing gum can be beneficial to your oral health, it is still very important to floss daily and brush twice a day. Chewing gum should serve as a complement, not a substitute. Additionally, you should regularly schedule visits with your dentist in Roselle IL to ensure that you maintain the best possible oral health.

 dentist in roselle

Diana Visco

Blog Maintained By Identity Dental Marketing Company.

Dentist Roselle – Caring For Dental Implants

Dentist in Roselle

If you have received a dental implant from your dentist in Roselle, you have invested both time and money into the future of your smile. It is important to protect this investment in order to maintain good oral health. There are certain steps you should take after undergoing a dental implant procedure in order to care for your mouth.

After the procedure, your mouth might be tender at first. This tenderness only lasts about ten to fourteen days. Your dentist Roselle recommends a diet of warm soup, soft foods, and cold foods during this time. Additionally, you should refrain from smoking. Although the healing time for a dental implant tends to vary depending on the patient and the situation, it generally takes between two and four months for your mouth to fully heal after receiving a dental implant. You will not experience discomfort throughout this period, though.

Once your mouth has healed, caring for an implant is very similar to caring for a natural tooth. Although an implant cannot develop a cavity, it can still undergo the same wear-and-tear as a normal tooth. When not maintained properly, there is a risk for peri-implantitis to occur, which is similar to periodontal disease. However, this is easily preventable through regular check-ups, as well as daily brushing and flossing.

In order to maintain good oral health, it is important to continue to regularly visit your Roselle dentist. Your dentist can clean the areas that you are unable to reach. Additionally, your dentist Roselle IL will be able to check the surrounding gums and bone to ensure that they are healthy.

As always, your dentist in Roselle IL recommends thorough brushing and flossing on a daily basis. Paying attention to your oral hygiene will ensure that your implant survives. If you continue to maintain good oral hygiene, your implants can last a for the rest of your life without a need for replacement.

Blog Maintained By Identity Dental Marketing Company.