Creating a Healthy Smile for Life | Dentist in 60172

Oral health is not only essential for a beautiful smile but also for overall health and wellbeing. As a parent, it’s crucial to establish positive oral health habits in your children from an early age. By teaching children strong oral health habits, they can maintain a healthy mouth and smile throughout their lives.

To start, creating a healthy oral hygiene routine for your children is vital. This includes brushing and flossing their teeth twice a day, with toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride helps to prevent cavities and tooth decay, and using a timer can ensure your children brush for the full two minutes.

Healthy eating habits are also essential to maintaining oral health. Encourage your children to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as they help keep teeth healthy. Sugary snacks and drinks should be avoided as they produce acid in the mouth, leading to tooth decay.

Regular dental visits are also critical to keeping your child’s teeth healthy. A dentist can identify any problems and provide advice on maintaining optimal oral health. Don’t forget to discuss the importance of oral health with your children and use materials to help them understand why oral health is so crucial.

It’s also important to model positive oral health habits for your children. By brushing and flossing regularly, eating healthy foods, and visiting the dentist regularly, you can show your children the importance of oral health.

In summary, instilling healthy habits in your children is crucial for their long-term health and wellbeing. To get started, create an oral hygiene routine, emphasize healthy eating habits, and schedule regular dental visits. Most importantly, model positive oral health habits yourself to help your children maintain healthy smiles for years to come. Contact our office today to schedule your child’s next appointment.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

The Best Foods for Great Oral Health | Dentist Near Me

Proper oral hygiene is essential for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. Eating a balanced diet full of nutritious foods can help to keep your mouth healthy and reduce your risk of cavities, decay, and gum disease. Here are some of the best foods for promoting oral health. 

Dairy products

Dairy products contain calcium, which is essential for strong and healthy teeth. Eating dairy can help to build strong enamel, which in turn helps to protect against cavities. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are all good choices for oral health.  

Fruits and vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals that can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Fruits such as apples, pears, and oranges are high in fiber and help to stimulate saliva production, which can help to prevent tooth decay. Vegetables such as carrots and celery also help to stimulate saliva production and are good sources of vitamin A, which is important for maintaining healthy gums. 

Nuts and seeds 

Nuts and seeds are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can help to promote healthy teeth and gums. Eating nuts such as almonds and walnuts can help to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Seeds such as flax and chia are also good choices for oral health, as they are packed with omega-3 fatty acids which can help to reduce inflammation in the gums. 

Leafy greens

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Leafy greens are high in calcium, which can help to strengthen your tooth enamel and reduce your risk of cavities. 


Drinking plenty of water can help to reduce your risk of cavities and tooth decay. Water helps to flush away food particles and bacteria that can lead to cavities. It also helps to stimulate saliva production, which can help to neutralize the acids in your mouth and reduce your risk of decay. 

These are just some of the best foods for promoting oral health. Eating a balanced diet that includes these foods can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy and reduce your risk of cavities and decay. Be sure to also practice good oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily to keep your mouth healthy. To learn more, please contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

How It Can Enhance Your Smile and Your Quality of Life | Dentist 60172

More and more individuals are turning to cosmetic dentistry to improve the aesthetics of their teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile and give you more confidence. But, the benefits don’t stop there. Here are some other advantages of cosmetic dentistry.

Improved Oral Health

When you decide to get cosmetic dentistry, you’re not just getting an aesthetic enhancement. You’re also improving your oral health. Cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as veneers and dental implants, require the dentist to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums, ensuring that any areas of decay or infection are treated before the enhancements are made. Also, many cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to strengthen teeth, helping you to prevent further decay or damage.

Improved Self-Confidence

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and having a beautiful smile can give you a considerable boost of self-confidence. Studies have shown that individuals with attractive smiles are more likely to be seen as successful and more socially accepted. Cosmetic dentistry can help you attain a more attractive smile, providing you with an added boost of confidence when interacting with others.

Increased Comfort

If you have a misaligned bite, a cracked or chipped tooth, or any other issue that is causing discomfort, cosmetic dentistry can help to alleviate the pain. For instance, if you have an overbite, your dentist can provide braces or clear aligners to correct the issue. Similarly, implants or veneers can replace damaged teeth, restoring their natural shape and improving your overall comfort.

Long Lasting Results

The results of cosmetic dentistry can last for many years with the proper care. By brushing and flossing regularly, avoiding sugary foods and drinks, and scheduling annual checkups with your dentist, you can ensure that your cosmetic dentistry results last for many years to come.

Cosmetic dentistry can help you to attain a beautiful smile and enjoy the many benefits of improved oral health, self-confidence, comfort, and long-lasting results. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry, contact our office to schedule a consultation. Our team will work with you to ensure you achieve the beautiful smile you have always dreamed of.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Your Teeth – A Window to Your Overall Health | Dentist in 60172

When it comes to your overall health, your teeth can tell you a lot more than you think. Our teeth and gums are often the first clues to underlying health issues, from nutritional deficiencies to more serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. As such, it’s important to pay attention to the signs your teeth are giving you and to make regular visits to the dentist. 

Your teeth can give you an indication of your overall diet and nutrition. A healthy diet should include a balanced mix of proteins, grains, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. If you’re not eating a balanced diet, your teeth may be the first to suffer. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, like calcium and iron, can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and weak enamel. 

Your gums can also tell you a lot about your overall health. Healthy gums are usually pink and firm, whereas unhealthy gums can be swollen, red, or tender. Red, swollen gums can be a sign of gingivitis, an early form of gum disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious conditions like periodontitis, which can lead to bone and tooth loss. 

The condition of your teeth can also indicate underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes. People with diabetes are more prone to gum disease and can suffer from dry mouth, which can cause serious dental issues. Other medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, can also cause dry mouth, putting you at risk for cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. 

It is also possible to determine your lifestyle habits from your teeth. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause staining and discoloration of the teeth, as well as an increased risk of gum disease. Additionally, acidic foods and drinks can erode the enamel of your teeth and make them more vulnerable to cavities and decay. 

Overall, your teeth can tell you a lot about your health. If you are experiencing any signs of tooth or gum disease, it’s important to contact your dentist for an exam and to make sure your teeth are in good condition. Additionally, regular visits to the dentist can help you identify underlying health issues and address them before they become more serious. By taking good care of your teeth, you’ll be able to keep your mouth healthy and your body functioning at its best.

Our dental office is here to help ensure you have a healthy smile for life. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry: Enhancing Your Smile and Overall Appearance | Dentist in 60172

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to improve their smile and overall appearance. From porcelain veneers to teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry can help to enhance your appearance and make a huge difference in the way you look and feel about yourself. Here, we’ll explore the many benefits of cosmetic dentistry and why you may want to consider this option. 

One of the main benefits of cosmetic dentistry is that it can help to improve your confidence and self-esteem. When you have a beautiful, healthy smile, you’ll feel more confident in both your personal and professional life. This means that you’ll be able to talk and smile more freely, and you’ll no longer be self-conscious about your smile. This boost in confidence often translates into better social and professional relationships, as well as improved job performance and opportunities. 

Another benefit of cosmetic dentistry is that it can help to improve your overall oral health. Many of the procedures used in cosmetic dentistry, such as porcelain veneers and dental bonding, can help to strengthen your teeth and prevent future problems. This can help to reduce the risk of cavities and other dental issues, as well as improve the appearance of your smile. 

Cosmetic dentistry can also help to reduce the signs of aging on the face. As we age, our teeth may become less white and our gums may recede. This can cause our face to appear tired and aged, which can be very discouraging. However, cosmetic dentistry can help to reverse these effects and restore a more youthful appearance to your face. 

Finally, cosmetic dentistry can also help to improve your overall oral hygiene. When you have a beautiful smile, you’ll be more likely to take better care of your teeth, which can help to reduce the risk of cavities and other dental problems. This means that you’ll be more likely to practice good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, and you’ll be able to enjoy a healthier smile for many years to come. 

Overall, cosmetic dentistry can provide many benefits, from improved self-confidence to better oral hygiene. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry, be sure to speak with your dentist to learn more about the different options available and to determine which ones are best for you. With the right treatment plan, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for many years to come. Contact our dental office today to schedule a consultation.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

5 Causes of Bad Breath and How to Prevent It | 60172 Dentist

Bad breath is a common problem for many people and can have a negative effect on their social lives, self esteem, and overall quality of life. It’s important to understand the underlying causes of bad breath so that you can take the necessary steps to prevent it. Here are the five main causes of bad breath: 

1. Poor Oral Hygiene: Poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of bad breath. Food particles can remain in the mouth, which can lead to bacteria growth and an unpleasant smell. To prevent this, it’s important to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day and use an antibacterial mouthwash. Additionally, you should visit your dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning. 

2. Dry Mouth: Dry mouth is another major cause of bad breath. Saliva helps to wash away food particles and bacteria from your mouth, so when saliva production is reduced, bacteria can thrive and cause bad breath. To prevent this, it’s important to stay hydrated and avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol, as they can contribute to dry mouth. 

3. Smoking and Tobacco Use: Smoking cigarettes and using other forms of tobacco can also cause bad breath. This is because the smoke and other chemicals in tobacco products can dry out the mouth and increase the growth of bacteria. Quitting smoking and avoiding other forms of tobacco can help to prevent bad breath. 

4. Certain Foods: Eating certain foods can also cause bad breath. Foods such as garlic and onions contain compounds that can be broken down in the body and released through the breath. To avoid bad breath after eating these foods, it’s important to brush your teeth and use mouthwash afterward. 

5. Medical Conditions: In some cases, bad breath can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. This can include conditions such as diabetes, acid reflux, and kidney or liver disease. If you have persistent bad breath, it’s important to speak to your doctor to rule out any medical conditions. 

Bad breath is a common problem, but it’s important to understand the underlying causes so that you can take steps to prevent it. Following a good oral hygiene routine, staying hydrated, avoiding smoking and tobacco use, eating certain foods in moderation, and ruling out any medical conditions are all important ways to help prevent bad breath. Contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment and help avoid common issues which may contribute to bad breath.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Should I Be Concerned About A Thumb Sucking Habit? | Roselle IL Cosmetic Dentist

Roselle Cosmetic Dentist

Thumb sucking is one of the most recognizable behaviors found in children. Sucking is a natural reflex and infants and young children may use thumbs, fingers, pacifiers, and other objects on which to suck. It may make them feel secure and happy, or provide a sense of security at difficult periods. Since thumb sucking is relaxing, it may even encourage sleep. Studies found by our dentist in 60172 have proposed that as many as 90% of children have engaged in this type of activity in their lives. We have even seen that thumb sucking can begin in the mother’s womb during pregnancy. It’s natural, safe, and can be quite helpful to parents, as their baby learns to soothe themselves from time to time. 

Whether this oral fixation is satisfied with a thumb or the commonly used pacifier, most children discontinue this practice before long. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry states that most children stop thumb sucking on their own between the ages of 2 and 4.  

Once your baby’s first set of teeth are in and thumb sucking persists, there is a chance that this habit could push the teeth slightly forward. Fortunately, this will in no way affect the placement of the adult teeth or add to the cost of your child’s future dental bills. Thumb sucking, even in toddlers, is considered normal. It does not mean there is anything wrong with your child and that they should feel embarrassed or ashamed. Even the most persistent thumb sucker ordinarily stops on their own by the time toddlerhood has ended. 

Thumb sucking infrequently continues past the age of four. This is usually found to be the result of too much attention or negative reinforcement given to the habit in previous years. Beyond this age, thumb sucking can begin to impact the alignment of the adult teeth, so it is best your child shed the habit sooner rather than later. 

How do you help them with this? Don’t reprimand them because of it, don’t remove the thumb from their mouth and don’t mention it. This is where their growing awareness and social cues come in handy. As your child begins to notice that the kids around them aren’t sucking their thumbs anymore, they won’t want to either. They will also start to discover other skills or items to give them comfort and security. Peer pressure becomes a much greater deterrent than a parent’s disapproval.  

What Can I Do to Support my Child Through Thumb Sucking? 

  • Insecurity often causes anxiety in children and this may lead to thumb sucking. Instead of reprimanding them, try to focus on what is making them feel anxious. 
  • Parents who provide comfort and positive reinforcement to their children will see a less likelihood of thumb sucking. 
  • Take note of the times your child tends to suck on their thumb and create diversions during these occasions. 
  • Ask your child’s dentist to speak with them about the impact thumb sucking will have on their mouths.  
  • Place a band-aid or a sock on your child’s thumb as a reminder to avoid putting their thumb or fingers in their mouth. 

Thumb sucking can be a troublesome habit for parents, mostly when it feels like your child is the only one still engaging in the behavior. Permitting your child to find other ways of comforting themselves is more helpful to them in the end. If you have any other questions on how to improve your child’s oral health, please give our Roselle, IL dental office a call. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit our website or give us a call today.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Healthy Smile, Healthy Body | Cosmetic Dentist Roselle

Dentist 60172

Good oral hygiene habits are essential to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. What you might not know is that research has found the health of your mouth actually mirrors the overall condition of your body. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there is a direct relationship between gum disease and many serious health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The good news is, research also shows that good oral health may actually help prevent certain diseases from occurring. 

Understanding the mouth/body connection 

Poor oral habits can cause bacteria to build up on your teeth, making your gums more prone to disease and infection. When that happens, your immune system goes to work attacking the infection, leading to inflammation and gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Left untreated, periodontitis and chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the rest of your body, leading to a host of health problems. Thankfully, this “worst-case-scenario” is easily preventable. Here’s what you can do to elevate your oral hygiene habits and keep unwanted health concerns at bay: 

  • Brush twice a day for at least two minutes using a soft-bristled brush. Be sure to choose a toothbrush that is the right size for your mouth so you can reach back teeth easily. If you have any questions about which toothbrush we recommend for you, you can ask our office during your appointment. 
  • Remember to replace your toothbrush every three or four months. 
  • Choose an American Dental Association-approved fluoride toothpaste to keep teeth free from decay. 
  • Floss daily to remove tooth decay-causing bacteria that tend to linger between teeth. Regular flossing also helps remove plaque under the gum line and minimize your risk of contracting gum disease. 
  • Eat a healthy diet that limits sugary beverages and snacks. 
  • Avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products, which are known to contribute to gum disease and oral cancer. 

In addition to maintaining good daily oral health habits, seeing your dentist regularly is one of the best ways to keep your mouth – and your body – healthy. These exams allow our dentist in Roselle to monitor any changes to your teeth and gums and make recommendations that will help you avoid future health problems. Call our Roselle, IL dental office today to schedule an exam.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St Roselle, IL 60172

Easy Flossing Alternatives to Preserve Your Healthy Smile | Dentist in 60172

60172 Dentist

If there is one recommended dental habit that many people struggle to embrace, it’s flossing. Whether you find traditional thread flossing challenging to maneuver, messy, or just time consuming, you are not alone. However, The American Dental Association (ADA) and our office want you to be able to floss regularly and thoroughly. Consider these effective alternatives to remove unwanted plaque from the places your toothbrush simply can’t reach.

1.) Disposable Floss Pick

These convenient little tools have plastic handles and Y-shaped prongs that come pre-threaded with floss. No measuring, snipping or finger threading required. Ideal for travel and on-the-go use, simply grab the handle, insert the floss between your teeth, and when done, toss the tool away. 

2.) Non-Disposable Floss Picks

Fashioned with a longer handle than their disposable counterparts, these picks may be an excellent option for patients with small mouths and/or crowded teeth. They also help to make reaching back teeth a breeze.

3.) Water Flossers

Electronic flossers use streams of pressurized water to clean between your teeth. There are many different models to accommodate price preferences, and most offer adjustable pressure settings to ensure your comfort during use. 

4.) Interdental Brushes

Designed to look like tiny toothbrushes, interdental brushes are especially effective for those who wear braces. They are also a nice option for patients with mobility issues who struggle with traditional flossing. Another plus? Like toothbrushes they can be used repeatedly – simply ask our 60172 dentist when we recommend replacement.

5.) Air Flossers

These high-tech tools use air pressure combined with a small amount of water to keep teeth and gums clean and healthy. Considered to be less messy than their water-based cousins, air flossers offer easy point and click instructions – just aim the flosser between your teeth and a blast of air does the rest. 
Keeping the spaces between your teeth and gums free from plaque and tartar is essential to your oral health. Finding tools and techniques that work for you is the first step towards establishing lifelong habits that lead to a lasting, healthy smile. Consider any of these flossing alternatives or call our Roselle, IL dental office for a recommendation. Our team will be happy to evaluate your unique needs to help you find the solution that is right for you.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St
Roselle, IL 60172

Facts You May Not Have Known About Oral Cancer | 60172 Dentist

60172 Dentist

According to The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, oral cancer claims one American life every hour of every day. Unfortunately, most cases go undetected until it is too late, making the need for regular examinations of even greater importance. Those who are proactive and seek treatment early have the best chance of beating the disease and living a long, healthy life. Below are some facts shared by our dentist in 60172 that you may not have known about oral cancer, including warning signs, trends, and more. 

1.) Oral Cancer Affects More Men Than Women

No matter your gender, you should be aware of the very real dangers of oral cancer. While studies conducted by the Oral Cancer Foundation have shown that oral cancer is one the rise among women too, a 2:1 incidence ratio between men and women still remains. This correlation may be due to the fact that, statistically speaking, men smoke and drink more than women. Regardless of your own habits, remain aware of the signs and symptoms and ask your doctor to perform a regular oral exam if they do not already. 

2.) Each Year, 450,000 New Cases Are Discovered

As such, it is likely that oral cancer has affected someone in your life. Whether you know someone who has had, or is currently dealing with their own struggle against oral cancer, you should know that they are not alone.

3.) Alcohol and Tobacco Increase Your Risk

Among the many risk factors, your lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on the likelihood of you developing this cancer. It is estimated by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America that roughly 80% of people with oral cancer are heavy smokers, while 70% are heavy drinkers. Add this unfortunate statistic to the list of reasons why you should leave the cigarettes behind.

4.) When Detected Early Enough, Oral Cancer has a Cure Rate of 90%

According to many experts, part of the reason why oral cancer can be so destructive is because it often goes undetected for long periods of time. Don’t overlook or ignore any suspicious new developments in your mouth and call your doctor or oral surgeon as soon as you notice anything amiss. 

The best way to overcome oral cancer is to stay informed and catch it early. As something that is important to all dental professionals, we hope you will take this disease just as seriously as we do. We look forward to helping you stay healthy and protecting your oral health throughout your life. If you have any questions call or contact our dental office in Roselle, IL today and we will assist you however we can.

Westlake Dental Care of Roselle
Phone: (630) 980-6762
1260 W Lake St
Roselle, IL 60172